Purim Announcements
קהילה יקרה שלום וברכה!מצ״ב הפלאיירים של אירועי פורים השבוע בבית הכנסת!זמנים לתענית אסתר ופורים!הכנת משלוחי מנות ביום שלישי ב-16:30 באולם סלסני, לכל הגילאים! נקודות נוספות למי שיביא מוצרי אפייה ביתית :-)הצגת הוידאו של הרצאת ה-OU עם [...]
BMTL Annual Matza Sale
Hand Shmurah Matzoh - Pesach 5785 - Support BMTL with great tasting matzah! All profits go to Beit Medrash Torani Leumi, to support the shul’s Torah programs and activities All Matzot are baked [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
We regret to inform you of the untimely passing of Shulamis Solnica, beloved sister of Shimon.Funeral will take place tomorrow March 10th in NY. Shimon will be sitting shiva with his sisters in Monsey and returning to his [...]
Learning Addendum
Learning for the coming week is also sponsored by: - Pat Aftel in memory of Cvi ben Yaakov Moshe a''h and Yaakov Moshe ben Azriel a''h. - Abby & Albie Hochhauser in memory of Abby’s mother, Breina Raizel bat David & Sarah [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Tetzaveh/Zachor
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Tetzaveh/Zachor, 8 Adar, 5785/March 8, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha5:04 p.m. – Candle lighting5:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:45 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Learning Sponsor Needed
There is no sponsor for the learning for the coming week. If you would like to sponsor, please send an email to ylebovitz@gmail.comPlease state the names of the couple who are sponsoring and if the sponsorship is in [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Terumah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Terumah, 1 Adar, 5785/March 1, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:59 p.m. – Candle lighting5:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Mishpatim
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Mishpatim, 24 Shevat, 5785/February 22, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:54 p.m. – Candle lighting5:15 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:34 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Yitro
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Yitro, 17 Shevat, 5785/February 15, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:48 p.m. – Candle lighting5:10 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:28 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Beshalach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Beshalach, 10 Shevat, 5785/February 8, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:42 p.m. – Candle lighting5:00 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:22 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
BMTL Mishloach Manot Project
BMTL's annual Mishloach Manot fundraiser is back! This year, due to the ongoing war and the positive feedback we’ve received from last year's Mishloach Manot event, we will continue to do things a little differently.What's [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Shlomie and Racheli Fenster on the birth of a son. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, David and Evida Fenster and the entire family. מזל טוב לשלומי ורחלי פנסטר לרגל הולדת הבן. מזל טוב לסבא [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Bo
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Bo, 3 Shevat, 5785/February 1, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:36 p.m. – Candle lighting4:55 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:16 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
With great sadness we announce the passing of Rabbi Serayah Berman, father of Naomi Schwartz.Levayah will be this (Monday) afternoon/ evening at 16:00 at Eretz Hachayim.Shiva details will be posted when confirmed. מן השמים תנחמובעצב רב [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
ברוך דיין האמת- אנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתו של נפתלי לזן, ז"ל, אביו של מייקל לזןההלוויה תתקיים מחר בניו יורקמייקל ישב שבעה בניו יורק וניתן ליצור קשר איתו בווטסאפ 054-5600645We are sorry to inform you of [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vaeira
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vaeira, 25 Tevet, 5785/January 25, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:29 p.m. – Candle lighting4:50 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:09 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Shemot
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Shemot, 18 Tevet, 5785/January 18, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:23 p.m. – Candle lighting4:45 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:03 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Moshe and Shoshana Lichtman on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Yitzchak and Tamar Lichtman, great-grandparents Ralph and Sandy Rothschild, and the entire family. מזל טוב למשה ושושנה ליכטמן [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
(Funeral at 7:00 p.m.)
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Professor Shlomo and Professor Michal Slonim on the birth of a great granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the grandparents David and Avigail Rothner and to the parents Yaakov and Rachel Rothnerמזל טוב לרב/פרופסור שלמה ופרופסור מיכל [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayichi
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayichi, 11 Tevet, 5785/January 11, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:17 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:57 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Fast of the 10th of Tevet (Friday)
Fast of 10th of Tevet5:24 a.m. - Fast begins5:55 a.m. - First Shacharit Minyan4:25 p.m. - Mincha 5:14 p.m. - Fast endsAll other davening times are as usual תענית י' בטבת5:24 - מותר לאכול עד5:55 - שחרית [...]
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Rabbi David Eliyahu Paley z"l, father of Jonathan PaleyThe funeral will be held this evening at the Eretz Hachaim Cemetery at 8:15 PM Shiva in Israel [...]
Melava Malka This Motzaei Shabbat
Please check the Google doc for how you can help.אנא תבדוק ב-Google doc כיצד תוכל לעזור.
Community Lecture by Rabbi Yitzchak Levy
(The lecture will be given in Hebrew)Topic: Har Habayit is in our hands?Is it permissible to go up to har habayitBy Rabbi Yitzchak Levy, Mashgiach Yeshivat Har Etzion
Mazal Tovs
Mazal Tov to Shaul and Bili Markson on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Moshe and Shira KreuzerMazal Tov to Shmuel and Eliana Harris on the birth of a boyMazal Tov [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayigash
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayigash, 4 Tevet, 5785/January 4, 2025Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:11 p.m. – Candle lighting4:30 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:51 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
Zev Gershon's mother has passed awayThe Funeral will be at Eretz Hachaim (on 38) - tomorrow, Thursday, at Noon.Shiva will be at the Gershons - HaShoshan 12a
Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov to Brian & Penny Thau, Herman & Mia Weiss and Devorah Altman on the birth of a grandson in Toronto. Mazel Tov to the parents, Avraham Zvi and Hadassah Thauמזל טוב לבריאן ופני טאו, [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Miketz/Chanukah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Miketz/Chanukah, 27 Kislev, 5785/December 28, 2024Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:26 p.m. – Candle lighting4:30 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:47 p.m. – ShkiyaLight Chanukah candles 25 minutes before [...]
Chanukah Party
Sign up here
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeshev
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeshev, 20 Kislev, 5785/December 21, 2024Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:02 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:43 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Yitzi and Adina Jacobs on the birth of a girl, Miriam Hodayaמזל טוב ליצי ועדינה יעקובס לרגל הולדת הבת, מרים הודיה
Shabbat Announcements – Vayishlach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayishlach, 13 Kislev, 5785/December 14, 2024Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:00 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:40 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
New Listing of Soldiers
We are starting a new list of soldiers in active service from BMTL community families. All soldiers in active service, even if they were just recently added to the previous list, need to be added [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Mark and Ora Watson on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Aharon and Merav Watson of New Jersey.מזל טוב למרק ואורה ווטסן לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Shaul and Debbie Sladowsky on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Yair and Tamary Sladowsky.מזל טוב לשאול ודבי שלדובסקי לרגל הולדת הנכדה. מזל טוב להורים יאיר ותמרי שלדובסקי.
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeitzei
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Toldot, 6 Kislev, 5785/December 7, 2024Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha3:58 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Kahane Shiva Update
Deena will be sitting Shiva Thursday through noon on Friday at Diskin 13 apt 25, Jerusalem.Ira and Elliot will be sitting in Israel Thursday only until 9pm at the above address.Deena will continue sitting shiva [...]
Kahane Funeral/Shiva Update
The funeral for Donald Press z"l, father of Deena Kahane, Ira Press and Elliot Press will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, at Eretz Hachaim at 2:00 pm.Shiva will be observed Thursday through Tuesday morning at Diskin [...]
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Donald Press z"l, father of Deena KahaneFuneral and Shiva details to followאנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתו דנלד פרס, ז"ל, אבא של דינה כהנאפרטים של הלוויה ושבעה בהמשך
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to the Lipman family on the birth of a granddaughter, Yisca Emunah. Mazal Tov to the parents, Devora and Yedidya Gross. Mazal Tov to the great grandparents, Rabbi Moshe and Cheryl Abramowitz and Allen [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Toldot
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Toldot, 29 Cheshvan, 5785/November 30, 2024Friday Evening12:30 p.m. – Mincha1:30 p.m. – Mincha3:58 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:38 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
ברוך דיין האמתאנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתה של שלומית ברמן, ז"ל, אשתו של ישראל ברמן, וכלתם של אלי וג'נט ברמןההלוויה תתקיים היום בטל מנשה בשעה 14:00השבעה תתקיים בטל מנשהמן השמים תנוחמוWith a heavy heart, we [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Steven and Shulamit Felsenthal on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Nachi and Aliza Felsenthalמזל טוב לסטיבן ושולמית פלסנטל לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים נחי ועליזה פלסנטל
Condolences (Community Notification)
Baruch Dayan HaEmet Harold Slutzkinאנו מודיעים בצער כי צבי סלוצקין, אביהם של רחל סלקין ונעמי פישר, נפטר. ההלוויה תתקיים היום - רביעי בשעה 10:30 בבוקר בבית הלוויות שמגר, ירושלים, עם קבורה לאחר מכן בהר הזיתים. השבעה תתקיים [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Marc and Tamar Glickman on the birth of a boyמזל טוב למרק ותמר גליקמן לרגל הולדת הבן
Shabbat Announcements – Chayei Sarah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Chayei Sarah, 22 Cheshvan, 5785/November 23, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:00 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:40 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on Shabbat Mevorchim)8:15 [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Goel and Gilla Jasper on the birth of a granddaughter, Emuna. Mazal Tov to the parents Yinon and Temima Segev. The family requests Tefillot for the health of Emuna Bat Temima Tzionaמזל [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Alan and Hannah Morhaim on the engagement of their granddaughter Miriam Morhaim to Abe Lukner in London. Mazal Tov to Miriam's parents Josh and Danielle Morhaimמזל טוב לאלן וחנה מורהיים לרגל ארוסי נכדתם [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeira
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeira, 15 Cheshvan, 5785/November 16, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:03 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:43 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on Shabbat Mevorchim)8:15 a.m. [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Professor Shlomo and Professor Michal Slonim on the birth of a great granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the grandparents David and Avigail Rothner and to the parents Moishe and Yoheved RothnerMazal Tov to Daniel [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Dovid and Nurit Chaviv on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Eliyahu and Chen Chaviv.Mazal Tov to Roslyn Joffe on the birth of a great grandson. Mazal Tov the grandparents Sandor [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Lech Lecha
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Lech Lecha, 8 Cheshvan, 5785/November 9, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:07 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:47 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on Shabbat Mevorchim)8:10 [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Shimmy and Judy Kreditor on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Omer and Hadar Hagbiמזל טוב לשימי וג'ודי קרדיטור לרגל הולדת הנכדה. מזל טוב להורים עומר והדר חג'בי.
Shabbat Announcements – Noach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Noach, 1 Cheshvan, 5785/November 2, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:12 p.m. – Candle lighting4:35 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:53 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:40 a.m. - Shacharit (6:40 on Shabbat Mevorchim)8:05 a.m. [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
ברוך דיין האמת:אנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתו של אנטוני גומרס, ז"ל, אחיו של קולין וולינס ההלוויה תתקיים היום בשעה 16:00 בבית העלמין דרך החיים בבית שמש (בית העלמין העירוני)השבעה תתקיים ברח' נחל שמשון 8/6 (הכניסה מרח' נחל [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Marc and Yosefa Krauss on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents, Gabi and Kayla Kraussמזל טוב למרדכי ויוספה קראוס לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים גבי וקיילה קראוס
Condolences (Community Notification)
AAN It is with profound sadness that we tell the community of the sudden death of Elly (Jackson) Ben-Yakar Daughter of Nom and Jacob JacksonThe funeral will be tomorrow evening at 8:30 pm at the local Bet [...]
Winter Schedule
See attachedמצורף(שימו לב - מנחה השבוע ב16:35, לא 16:45 כמו שהיה כתוב בהודעות השבת בעברית) Winter-Schedule-5785.pdf
Shabbat Announcements – Bereishit
Schedule is attached - Note: the first Minyan Shabbat morning begins at 6:40 a.m.Reminder: Clocks return to winter time on Sunday morning. Mincha/Maariv next week is at 4:35 p.m./5:15 p.m.Mazal Tov... to Goel and Gilla [...]
Shemini Atzeret Announcements
Schedule is attachedKiddushThe Simchat Torah Kiddush is sponsored by:- Miriam and Hillel Sheinfeld in honor of all the Chayalim and the return of the hostages- The Lebovitzs in Honor of the members of our kehilla who went [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
We regret to inform the passing, b'seiva tova, of Ruth Gruza, mother of Shirley Denkberg No funeral or shiva information yetBaruch Dayan HaEmet
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of the sister of Shalom Kahn, Vivian, z"l. The Funeral will take place in New York and Shalom will be sitting Shiva there after Simchat Torahאנו מצטערים [...]
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Succot
Schedule is attached - It's an updated version, please note the changes to the davening times on Shabbat morningLearning DedicationLearning for the coming week is sponsored by: - Tova Mishkovsky in memory of her father, Eliezer Chaim ben Yehuda Yitzchak ע''ה, whose [...]
Succot Announcements
Schedule is attached - It's an updated version, please note the changes to the davening times on Shabbat morningMazal Tov... to Sesay and Tali Negusah on the birth of twin grandsons. Mazal Tov to the parents [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
We are saddened to inform the community of the petira of Dr. Zvi Stone of Har Nof, brother of Edna Kwalwasser. Information of the levaya and shiva will be announced when the family has more details. אנו מצטערים [...]
Condolences (Community Notification)
The GSCC is saddened to inform the community about the untimely passing of Tehila Moses z''l, daughter of Yair and Rachel, sister of Amichai, Noa, Eitan, Renana and Aviad.Funeral will be today at 13:30 at [...]
Yom Kippur Announcements
Schedule is attachedMazal Tov... to Davidi and Leah Benscher on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Michal and Yona Benscher and to the great grandparents Rabbi Yehuda and Blima KoslowskiThank you... to Goel [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Davidi and Leah Benscher on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Michal and Yona Benscher.מזל טוב לדודי ולאה בנשר לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים יונה ומיכל בנשר.
Rosh Hashana/Shabbat Haazinu Announcements
Schedule is attachedMazal Tov... to Allen and Miriam Pfeiffer on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents, Eitan and Samantha PfeifferNew ParochetThank you to Brian and Penny Thau for donating the new [...]
Yamim Noraim Schedule
Attachedמצורף HHD-Schedule-5785.pdf
Corrected Shabbat Schedule
There were a few errors in the Shabbat Times, correct schedule below:Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:55 p.m. - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:15 p.m. - Earliest candle lighting5:52 p.m. – Candle lighting6:10 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat6:32 p.m. – [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Netzavim-Vayelech
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Netzavim-Vayelech, 25 Elul, 5784/September 28, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha4:55 p.m. - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:15 p.m. - Earliest candle lighting5:52 p.m. – Candle lighting6:10 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat6:32 p.m. – [...]
Selichot, Vatikin Sign-Up and Community Learning
מצ״ב הודעה ותזכורת לגבי סליחות במוצ״ש הקרוב. סליחות ללא ליווי מוסיקלי יתקיימו באולם סלסני.שימו לב - הסליחות עצמן יתחילו בחצות - 00:31, הן למעלה והן למטה. בנוסף, מצ״ב הזמנה לכל אחד ואחת להצטרף ללימוד המשותף לקראת שמחת [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Moshe and Shoshana Lichtman on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Eitan and Rivka Lichtman, to the great-grandparents, Ralph and Sandy Rothschild, and to the entire family. מזל טוב [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Ki Tavo
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Ki Tavo, 18 Elul, 5784/September 21, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha5:05 p.m. - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:22 p.m. - Earliest candle lighting6:01 p.m. – Candle lighting6:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat6:41 p.m. [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Albie and Abby Hochhauser and Ziporah Winkler on the engagement of their grandson, Mati Hochhauser (son of Rechelle and Elie) to Gaya Hershkow from Alei Zahavמזל טוב לאלבי ואבי הוכהאוזר וציפורה וינקלר לרגל אירוסי נכדהם מתי הוכהאוזר (בן של [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Ki Teitzei
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Ki Teitzei, 11 Elul, 5784/September 14, 2024Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha5:10 p.m. - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:30 p.m. - Earliest candle lighting6:11 p.m. – Candle lighting6:30 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat6:50 p.m. [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Moshe and Malka Granatstein on the birth of a great granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Eli and Yehudit Meyers מזל טוב לרב משה ומלכה גרנטשטיין לרגל הולדת הנינה. מזל טוב להורים אלי [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Judy and Stu Schrader on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Maya and Ohav Ben Abuמזל טוב לג׳ודי וסטו שריידר לרגל הולדת הנכד, מזל טוב להורים מיה ואוהב בן אבו
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Miriam and Hillel Scheinfeld on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Zevi and Jennie Scheinfeld and to the great grandparents Rabbi Moshe and Malka Granatsteinמזל טוב להלל ומרים שיינפלד [...]
Membership and High Holiday Seating
Attachedמצורף Membership-letter-5785.pdf
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Michael and Rivka Zegel on the birth of a daughter, Maayan Ahuvaמזל טוב למיכאל ורבקה זגל לרגל הולדת הבת, מעיין אהובה
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to David and Avigail Rothner on Moishe's engagement to Yocheved Goldstein. Mazal Tov to the grandparents Rabbi Shlomo and Michal Slonim and Neal and Beata Rothnerמזל טוב לדוד ואביגיל רוטנר לרגל אירוסי בנם מוישי עם יוכבד גולדשטיין מטלז סטון. [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
AAN בצער רב אנו מודיעים על פטירת אליעזר בן מרדכי קרומביין ז"ל, אבא של שרה סויבלמן. ההלוייה תתקיים יום ראשון בשעת 11 בבוקר בבית ההספד הר המנוחות. המשפחה תשב שבעה בבית טובי העיר, 36 מלכי [...]
Mechirat Chametz
Rav Chagai will be available for selling Chametz at the following times:Tuesday, March 28 - After the 8:15 ShacharitWednesday, March 29 - 8:30 - 9:00 p.m.Thursday, March 30 - 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Friday, March 31 [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayikra
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayikrah, 3 Nissan, 5783/March 25, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha5:25 p.m. - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:37 p.m. - Earliest candle lighting6:17 p.m. – Candle lighting6:35 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat6:56 p.m. – [...]
BMTL Matza Pickup
Distribution of BMTL Hand Shmurah Matzah: Where: BMTL corner of Asher and Reuven streets, Upstairs in the Ezrat nashim When: Friday Erev Shabbat Vayikra, March 24, 2023 from 1:45 until 2:30 PM (Mincha is at [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Dov and Dena Lipman on Chaya's engagement to Matanya Bar Lev from Maaleh Michmash. Mazal Tov to the grandparents Dr. Allen and Leah Zeiger and Rabbi Moshe and Cheryl Abramowitzמזל טוב לדוב [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayakhel-Pikudei
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayakhel-Pikudei, 25 Adar, 5783/March 18, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 5:12 p.m. – Candle lighting5:30 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:51 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Leah and Allen Zeiger on the birth of a great granddaughter born to their grandchildren, Moshe Chaim and Shira Majeski.מזל טוב ללאה ואלן זייגר לרגל הולדת הנינה. מזל טוב להורים משה חיים ושירה [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Moshe and Shoshana Lichtman on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Chaim and Shira Metzger. Mazal Tov also to the great-grandparents, Ralph and Sandy Rothschild, and to the [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Ki Tisa
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Ki Tisa, 18 Adar, 5783/March 11, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 5:07 p.m. – Candle lighting5:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:47 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
The Givat Sharet Chesed Committee regrets to inform you of the passing of Rachel Gam Zu L'Tova, mother of Ruchama Cook.The levaya will take place tonight at 10:00 pm at the cemetery of the Yeshivat Ponevezh, [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
The Givat Sharet Chesed Committee regrets to inform you of the passing of Rachel Gam Zu L'Tova, mother of Ruchama Cook.The levaya will take place tonight at 10:00 pm at the cemetery of the Yeshivat Ponevezh, [...]
Aftel Minyan/Shiva Update
Minyan and shiva update for AftelToday: Mincha 17:00Purim: No ShacharitMincha: 14:00Maariv: 20:00Accepting visitors 9:00 to 14:00, 17:30 to 22:00Wednesday Shacharit: 8:00
Aftel Minyan/Shiva Update
Minyan and shiva update for AftelToday: Mincha 17:00Purim: No ShacharitMincha: 14:00Maariv: 20:00Accepting visitors 9:00 to 14:00, 17:30 to 22:00Wednesday Shacharit: 8:00
Annual Matza Sale
מצות עבודת-יד פסח תשפ"ג כמו בכל שנה, אנו מוכרים מצות שמורה עם כל הרווחים לבית מדרש תורני לאומי. פריכות ודקות "ברכת הפסח" מהדרין מן המהדרין, בהשגחת רב דב ליאור, ואישור של הרב רביב. ק"ג - [...]
Annual Matza Sale
מצות עבודת-יד פסח תשפ"ג כמו בכל שנה, אנו מוכרים מצות שמורה עם כל הרווחים לבית מדרש תורני לאומי. פריכות ודקות "ברכת הפסח" מהדרין מן המהדרין, בהשגחת רב דב ליאור, ואישור של הרב רביב. ק"ג - [...]
Purim Schedule
Attachedמצורף Purim-Schedule-5783-final.pdf
Purim Schedule
Attachedמצורף Purim-Schedule-5783-final.pdf
Shabbat Announcements – Tetzaveh/Zachor
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Tetzaveh/Zachor, 11 Adar, 5783/March 4, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 5:02 p.m. – Candle lighting5:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:41 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Tetzaveh/Zachor
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Tetzaveh/Zachor, 11 Adar, 5783/March 4, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 5:02 p.m. – Candle lighting5:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:41 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Aftel Shiva Update
Shiva times: Ater shacharis until 22:00 with a break from 13:00 - 14:30 and 18:00 - 19:30.זמנים לשבעה:אחרי שחרית עד 22:00 עם הפסקות בין 13:00-14:30 ו18:00-19:30
Aftel Shiva Update
Shiva times: Ater shacharis until 22:00 with a break from 13:00 - 14:30 and 18:00 - 19:30.זמנים לשבעה:אחרי שחרית עד 22:00 עם הפסקות בין 13:00-14:30 ו18:00-19:30
Aftel Funeral/Shiva Update
The funeral for Phyllis Cahan z"l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa Aftel Will be today, Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at Eretz Hachayim Route 38 Elyssa and her brother Elliott Cahan will be sitting Shiva at [...]
Aftel Funeral/Shiva Update
The funeral for Phyllis Cahan z"l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa Aftel Will be today, Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at Eretz Hachayim Route 38 Elyssa and her brother Elliott Cahan will be sitting Shiva at [...]
Funeral Update (Elyssa Aftel’s Mother)
The funeral for Elyssa Aftel's mother will take place tomorrow, Thursday. The exact time has yet to be determined, but it will not be before 2:00 p.m. It will take place at Eretz Hachaim (route 38)Minyanim [...]
Funeral Update (Elyssa Aftel’s Mother)
The funeral for Elyssa Aftel's mother will take place tomorrow, Thursday. The exact time has yet to be determined, but it will not be before 2:00 p.m. It will take place at Eretz Hachaim (route 38)Minyanim [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Phyllis Cahan z"l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa AftelFuneral and Shiva details will be posted when availableאנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתה פיליס כהן, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, ז"ל. אמא [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Phyllis Cahan z"l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa AftelFuneral and Shiva details will be posted when availableאנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתה פיליס כהן, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, ז"ל. אמא [...]
Friday Night Oneg
This shabbat! Special BMTL Pre Purim Oneg for Men and WomenFriday Night, March 3, at 8:15 p.m., at Reuven 22bFeaturing Bacol Serlui, award winning poetBacol Serlui is a published author, she teaches literature and poetry. [...]
Friday Night Oneg
This shabbat! Special BMTL Pre Purim Oneg for Men and WomenFriday Night, March 3, at 8:15 p.m., at Reuven 22bFeaturing Bacol Serlui, award winning poetBacol Serlui is a published author, she teaches literature and poetry. [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Terumah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Terumah, 4 Adar, 5783/February 25, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:56 p.m. – Candle lighting5:15 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:36 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Terumah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Terumah, 4 Adar, 5783/February 25, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:56 p.m. – Candle lighting5:15 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:36 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Purim Carnival
See attachedמצורף
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
The GSCC extends condolences to Sami Shukrun on the passing of his mother. The funeral will take place this afternoon at the Bet Shemesh Municipal Cemetery at 16:30. Details of Shiva will be posted.המקום ינחם [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Alan and Leah Zeiger on the engagement of their granddaughter, Shira Gottlieb, to Ephraim Kahn of RBSמזל טוב לאלן ולאה זייגר לרגל ארוסי נכדתם שירה גטליב עם אפרים כהן
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Gina and Jonny Kirsch on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Leah and Meir Simcha Kirschמזל טוב לג'ינה וג'וני קירש לרגל הולדת הנכדה. מזל טוב להורים לאה ומאיר [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Dani and Sarah Spitzer on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Netanel and Yael Shavitמזל טוב לדני ושרה שפיצר לרגל הולדת הנכדה. מזל טוב להורים יעל ונתנאל שביט
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
The Givat Sharett Chesed Committee regrets to inform the community of the passing of. Barbara Silverman, wife of Marvin (z"l), mother of Rachel (Daniel) Brody, Claire (Daniel) Lang, David (Lauren) Silverman of Chicago Funeral will be at [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Mishpatim
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Mishpatim, 27 Shevat, 5783/February 18, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:51 p.m. – Candle lighting5:10 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:30 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day6:45 a.m. - Shacharit 8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Tzvi and Jackie Escott on Netanel's engagement to Gilly Mizrahiמזל טוב לצבי וג'קי אסקוט לרגל אירוסי בנם נתנאל עם גילי מזרחי
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
The Givat Sharett Chesed Committee extends condolences to Mark Polevoy and his family on the passing of his brother Steven in the U.S.Mark will be returning to sit shiva at his home from Thursday evening until [...]
Mischloach Manot Reminder
Please join the BMTL community Mislochei Manot project.Follow this link to complete the online registration form. After you submit the form, you will receive payment details.*Please note the final date for registration is 22nd February [...]
Shiva Details for Yehuda (Ed) Balter z”l
Marni Benuck will be sitting shiva at Binyamin 26A from 10:00-15:00 and 19:00-22:00.Mrs. Sharlene Balter will be sitting shiva at Reuven 8B/1 from 10:30-13:00 and 16:00-21:00 (for her friends).מרני בנוק תשב שבעה ברחוב בנימין 26A [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Yehuda (Edward) Balter, z"l, husband of Sharlene Balter, father of Marni Benuck and Evan Balter.The funeral take place tomorrow (Monday) at 12:30 at Eretz HachaimShiva details [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
We regret to inform you of the passing of Patti Beegun ob''m, Malka bat Shmuel Dovid, Mother of Joshua Weinstein and Maida Weinstein Silver.Funeral to be held at Shalom Memorial Cemetery in Arlington Heights, Illinois (USA) on Sunday, [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Yitro
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Yitro, 20 Shevat, 5783/February 11, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:45 p.m. – Candle lighting5:05 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:24 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:30 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Dani and Sarah Spitzer on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Avichai and Tamar Epsteinמזל טוב לדני ושרה שפיצר לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים תמר ואביחי אפשטיין
Evening of Fun and Improvisation for Women
BMTL Women invite you to an evening of fun and improvisation with Devorah Starr (in English)Monday evening, February 20th, at 8PM at BMTL's Selesney HallAdvance payment of 25 NIS can be made via credit card [...]
Mishloach Manot Project
Please join the BMTL community Mislochei Manot project.Follow this link to complete the online registration form. After you submit the form, you will receive payment details.*Please note the final date for registration is 22nd February / [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Rav Chaggai and Ayala Raviv on the birth of a grandson. Mazal Tov to the parents Aviad and Tehilla Ravivמזל טוב לרב חגי ואיילה רביב לרגל הולדת הנכד. מזל טוב להורים אביעד ותהילה [...]
Evening of Fun and Improvisation for Women
BMTL Women invite you to an evening of fun and improvisation with Devorah Starr (in English)Monday evening, February 20th, at 8PM at BMTL's Selesney HallAdvance payment of 25 NIS can be made via credit card [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Beshalach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Beshalach, 13 Shevat, 5783/February 4, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:39 p.m. – Candle lighting5:00 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:18 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
We regret to inform you of the passing of Ira Greenspun, ob''m. Husband of Eileen Greenspun, father of Miriam (Menachem) Perl and of Minna (Tzvi) Cohen.The levaya will be held this (Sunday) evening, at 21:00 [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Beshalach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Beshalach, 13 Shevat, 5783/February 4, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:39 p.m. – Candle lighting5:00 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:18 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Aytan and Rivki Himelstein on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Dani and Avital Himelstein and to the great grandparents Rav Shmuel and Judy Himelsteinמזל טוב לרבקי ואיתן [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
בצער רב, אנו מודיעים על פטירתו של טובייס יונגרייס, טוביה בן יואל צבי הלוי, ז"ל אבא האהוב של סטפני וולף עד שבת, סטפני תשב שבעה עם שלושת האחים שלה (רני פן, חיים יונגרייס ומרסי חריש) בבית של [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
It is with sadness we announce the passing of Dr. Ernest Finkelstein, father of Eve Finkelstein. The funeral will take place in Australia tomorrow morning Australia time (late tonight Israel time). Eve will begin sitting [...]
BMTL Community Shabbat
BMTL is pleased to announce a Shabbat of Comm-Unity, the 11th of February, parashat Yitro. On that Shabbat we will be matching BMTL families together for Shabbat lunch, and after lunch we will all join [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Bo
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Bo, 6 Shevat, 5783/January 28, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:32 p.m. – Candle lighting4:50 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:12 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Va’era
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Va'era, 28 Tevet, 5783/January 21, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:26 p.m. – Candle lighting4:45 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat5:06 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
אנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתה של דבי ג'יין גרייס, ז"ל, אחותו של ג'רמי שטוק.פרטי ההלוויה והשבעה עדיין לא סופיים ויפורסמו בהמשך.ג'רמי יטוס לאוסטרליה עבור ההלוויה והשבעה .כרגע ג'רמי עדיין בישראל.ניתן ליצור איתו קשר: 054-466-2900 או דרך מייל [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet
The funeral of Noam Reinfeld, z"l will take place this evening at 19:00 at the Bet Shemesh local cemetery. The family will sit Shiva at the Reinfeld home (69 Reuven) from 8:00-13:00 and 15:00-21:00Shacharit at 8:00Mincha/Maariv at [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Shemot
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Shemot, 21 Tevet, 5783/January 14, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:20 p.m. – Candle lighting4:40 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:59 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Lesnick Funeral Update
The funeral is now scheduled for noon at Eretz HaChaim. (Was originally 1:00 p.m.)
Baruch Dayan Haemet
The Givat Sharett Chesed Committee extends condolences to Marc Lesnick and his family on the passing of his mother, Eileen Lesnick z"l. The funeral will be at Eretz HaChaim Cemetery on Thursday at approximately 13:00. Exact [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet
We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Neville Miller, Nossen ben Dovid z"l, father of Chantal Rubin Funeral Today will be today ( Tuesday the 10th) at 1:00 pm at Westpark. Johannesburg, South Africa and will [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayichi
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayichi, 14 Tevet, 5783/January 7, 2023Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:14 p.m. – Candle lighting4:35 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:54 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayigash
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayigash, 7 Tevet, 5783/December 31, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:09 p.m. – Candle lighting4:30 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:48 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov to Ayelet and Bernie Becker on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Marilyn and Don Becker and Yosefa and Marc Kraussמזל טוב לבירני ואיילת בקר לרגל הולדת הבן. מזל [...]
Meet the Members – This Motzaei Shabbat
BMTL's annual Meet the Members Melaveh Malka will take place on Motzash Vayigash31st December 2022 at 8 PM in Selesny Hall. Please RSVP via this Google Form.For information or to sponsor please contact Rivka Wildman 054-768-4513Can't wait [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Miketz/Chanukah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Miketz/Chanukah, 30 Kislev, 5783/December 24, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:24 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:44 p.m. – ShkiyaLight Chanukah candles 25 minutes before Shkiyah and Shabbat [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Miketz/Chanukah
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Miketz/Chanukah, 30 Kislev, 5783/December 24, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:24 p.m. – Candle lighting4:25 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:44 p.m. – ShkiyaLight Chanukah candles 25 minutes before Shkiyah and Shabbat [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
We regret to inform you of the passing of Norman Feldman, father of Ronnon, Ari, Eytan and Adina Feldman. Husband of Nedra Feldman. Brother of Martin Feldman.The Levaya will be Sunday 18 December at 1:00 [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
We regret to inform you of the passing of Norman Feldman, father of Ronnon, Ari, Eytan and Adina Feldman. Husband of Nedra Feldman. Brother of Martin Feldman.The Levaya will be Sunday 18 December at 1:00 [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeishev
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeishev, 23 Kislev, 5783/December 17, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:01 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:41 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeishev
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeishev, 23 Kislev, 5783/December 17, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 4:01 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:41 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
ברוך דיין האמת:אנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתו של יצחק ברמן, ז"ל, אחיו של אלי ברמן.ההספדים יתקיימו היום בשעה 12:00 בשמגר, קבורה בהר המנוחותאלי יתחיל את השבעה בבית אל, וישב שבעה בבית שמש בימי חמישי וששי.זמני התפילות [...]
Baruch Dayan Haemet (Community Notification)
ברוך דיין האמת:אנו מצטערים להודיע על פטירתו של יצחק ברמן, ז"ל, אחיו של אלי ברמן.ההספדים יתקיימו היום בשעה 12:00 בשמגר, קבורה בהר המנוחותאלי יתחיל את השבעה בבית אל, וישב שבעה בבית שמש בימי חמישי וששי.זמני התפילות [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayishlach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayishlach, 16 Kislev, 5783/December 10, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 3:59 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayishlach
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayishlach, 16 Kislev, 5783/December 10, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 3:59 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeitzei
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeitzei, 9 Kislev, 5783/December 3, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 3:59 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]
Shabbat Announcements – Vayeitzei
Beit Medrash Torani Leumi - www.bmtl.orgShabbat Vayeitzei, 9 Kislev, 5783/December 3, 2022Friday Evening1:30 p.m. – Mincha 3:59 p.m. – Candle lighting4:20 p.m. – Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat4:39 p.m. – ShkiyaShabbat Day8:15 a.m. - Shacharit, Rav Chaggai's Parsha Shiur [...]