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Mark Watson

Baruch Dayan Haemet

We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Phyllis Cahan z”l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa Aftel Funeral and Shiva details will be posted when… Read More »Baruch Dayan Haemet

Baruch Dayan Haemet

We regret to inform the congregation of the passing of Phyllis Cahan z”l, פרעדל בת מרדכי הלוי, mother of Elyssa Aftel Funeral and Shiva details will be posted when… Read More »Baruch Dayan Haemet

Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov to Alan and Leah Zeiger on the engagement of their granddaughter, Shira Gottlieb, to Ephraim Kahn of RBS מזל טוב לאלן ולאה זייגר לרגל… Read More »Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov to Gina and Jonny Kirsch on the birth of a granddaughter. Mazal Tov to the parents Leah and Meir Simcha Kirsch מזל טוב… Read More »Mazal Tov