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Learning Sponsor Needed

There is no sponsor for the learning for the coming week.
If you would like to sponsor, please send an email to

Please state the names of the couple who are sponsoring and if the sponsorship is in memory of someone, how to write their name in Hebrew with their father's name. For any other event, please provide all relevant information, with Hebrew spelling of any unusual names. If I get more than one sponsorship, all will be used unless you indicate otherwise.  The cost of sponsorship is 360NIS.

Also please provide a phone number in case I have any questions and how late I can call.
Thank you,
Yaron (Roni) Lebovitz
זאת להודיע שאין חסות להקדשת הלימוד לשבוע הבא. אם ברצונך להקדיש לימוד תורה נא לפנות   לירון ליבוביץ

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